Mike is a leader in genome bioinformatics with world-class expertise in genomics, data science, and software engineering. Operating independently from Honolulu & always open to new collaborations!
Prior affiliations: DNAnexus, Kellis lab, Broad Inst, MIT EECS
Get in touch: **Twitter • GitHub • LinkedIn • Google Scholar**
GenomicSQLite genome indexing & compression for the embedded RDBMS
iitii learned index structure for genomic intervals
**spVCF** storage for variant call sets on 1M+ genomes
**miniwdl** bioinformatics workflow runner & dev toolkit
**GLnexus** scalable joint variant calling
**htsget** GA4GH API for web access to genomic datasets
PhyloCSF protein-coding evolutionary signatures in cross-species alignments
mlin.net freeware Windows utilities since 1999
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